Sunday, December 03, 2006

Analyst says EA's brand is tarnished; Gamers say "no duh"

A recent story puts out that EA has tarnished its image with crappy games (story:
This has been apparent by most hardcore gamers for a while, especially in their Battlefield games (see how a patch broke the latest, albeit already buggy, Battlefield game).
Its not hard to point out the problem: EA would rather release a game than make sure a quality game goes out. The release now-patch later policy just sucks, often destroying an otherwise good game.
Another problem is the microtransations. EA is laying on the microtransactions heavily (see Battle for Middle Earth 2 on X-Box 360) and seems to be going full bore with it.
EA seems to be trying to win us back (here:, but I doubt the PR attempt will work unless they actually do something substantiative. We need to see better quality from the largest publisher out there.


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