Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Attacks on the Clinton Legacy

It first started with ABC airing the historically false "Path to 9/11." Then when Bill Clinton went onto FOX News to promote his global inititive, many right-wingers decided to label Clinton as crazed when he lashed out at the FOX pundit (see here, video linked here as well:

Yet the misleadings has not only hit the current presidency, but now Republicans and right-wing pundits are now trying to change the history of the Clinton presidency. It is said that the victorious control history, but that should have been gone ages ago. No politician, either Democrat or Republican, should control the world of the past.

The problem extends beyond the scope of history. There was one commentator (I forget who) suggested that too many Democrats are living in the past, where they were the majority party in Congress. In my opinion, Republicans are also living in the past.
For the entire Bush presidency, minus six months where Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans have controlled both Legislative and Executive branches of government. Any problems caused by their governing is not the responsibility of the Democrats. Yet, Republicans aren't defending their actions, but always attacking the relativly powerless Democrats, mostly in the form of straw-man arguements.
They are living in the past that they were the minority party, that they had the charge of showing problems of the governing party. Now that they are the governing party, they still point to Democrats as though they are still the problem.
Bill Clinton admitted that he had failed in the FOX News interview. Yet, few Republicans, much less Bush himself, will admit such a failure now. And rather then actually defend their own position, they attack those not in power.
If Republicans are to save any face in these mid-term elections that are comming up, they have to take their own responsibility.

Before you go(and when I say you, I likely mean me, since no one seems to read this blog) see this video:

(here if you dont' see it )


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