Monday, November 13, 2006


This weekend, while doing some shopping (ok, figuring out what to get my mom for her birthday), I first went to Target, which has its entire Wii display up and running, sans playable demo. The Wii was on display, showing an infomercial about the system. I did see some people curious about it.
On sale for $.01 was a DVD with trailers for Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Tony Hawk Downhill Jam's Wii versions. The aside the E3 trailers, the content is short versions of what you would find on commercial DVD movies; some behind the scenes type stuff. If you need an extra DVD case, its worth it. Otherwise, grab it if you're buying something anyways.

Lastly, I stopped by a nearby Gamestop, which has playable Wiis out (you just need to give them your driver's license). First, Joystiq's annoyance of losing the menu cursor (story: is true. Once you get the cursor oriented, it feels just like a mouse; you don't feel that you're pointing with the Wii-mote, but you are controlling the cursor with it.
The game on demo was Excite Truck. Controlling it was simple, as tilting the Wii-mote replaced the functions of an analog stick. Mostly the problem I had was that I am completely used to controlling via analog stick and not tilting the controller at all. Once that was gone, I actually enjoyed the game.
If there is anything that just doesn't work well is the built-in speaker; it is more distracting than immersive. The quality is just too low (and I'm not an audiophile, and I noticed how low quality this was) and takes my attention away from the screen.
I was already convinced that the Wii could work with the DS. With the game that was displayed, it wasn't miles away from current controls, but it certainly has some promise.


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