Monday, October 09, 2006

Being Gay Does Not Equal Being a Child Predator

One of the worst things to come out of the Folley-Page scandel is some conservatives saying that homosexualality is a cause of mollestation of children. They are wrong.
The problem is that they equate sexuality with the act, which is completely wrong. As I understand it, it doesn't matter if a person is homo. or heterosexual; it is about power. The act isn't about sexuality, it is about being able to manipulate and control another person.

This is a type of thing that is exactly the same as people blaming violent media for real-life violence. It isn't about finding an actual cause for the problem, it's about blaming something other then themselves for it.
But what is worst is that this isn't about predators, but a political end. Conservatives are just using this as a bullet point against same-sex marriage, and against the gay/lesbian community in general. I just hope few will fall for it.


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