Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lieberman’s "Hacked" Web Site

Joe Lieberman, who just lost his bid for being the Democratic representative for Congress, had his site fall off the map yesterday, the day of the election. He very publicly claimed that the site was hacked, blaiming an unknown Lamont supporter for the outage.
However, Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos said on Countdown that Lieberman's Web site was on a bad server that also housed several other Web sites. Thus, the site likely couldn't handle any additional traffic that would happen anyway since it was the day of the election.
On the other hand, John C. Dvorak posted an article (here: ) that the site simply wasn't paid for.
Both speculations go under the same problem for the site itself: they just didn't invest enough money to keep it alive.

What makes this worse is that either Lieberman doesn't understand how technology works, purposely lied to people in saying that a rogue Lamont supporter took the site down. The former is more likely, since I highly doubt that any politician would lie in a way that is easily fact-checkable (as written above). But this just doesn't well for someone who would have to vote on policies that would affect the Web as a whole. I certainly wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't understand what bandwidth is.


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