Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bush's War on Dissent

Bush and his administration is now out to "counter" all the anti-war sentiment that is now coursing through the political atmosphere. Unfortunatly, this is done through misrepresentation of dissenter's views and through attacks on dissents.
On the former, people who believe we should get out of Iraq don't think it would appease terrorists, nor think that would be the right route anyway. Heck, most Americans believe that the war in Iraq is seperate from the war on terrorism.

From what I have heard, most opposing the war believe one of two things: Iraq has pretty much fallen into a civil war-one which we shouldn't be in, or that, using a variation of Bush's own words, Iraq can't step up until we start to step down. On the latter, these people believe that the Iraqi government is using US troops as a crutch, and can't grow until they start to work on their own.
While I am among the people who believe we shouldn't have ever gone into Iraq, or at least the way in which we did. But I do believe that since we did go in, Iraq is now our responsibility. As of yet, I am not convinced that either former or latter cases for going out is true, and we shouldn't get out until either comes true (hopefully the latter rather then the former).

But what is worse are the attacks on dissent. Rather then going out and proving the case for Americans, the admininstration has time and again went out and basicly said "trust us to know what is best." For a time after 9/11, people believed that. But as their statements have become more and more false, as the Iraq and their supposed WMD program (much less actual WMD's) has shown, people have believed the administration less and less.
Yet, my words are probably not enough. So, instead I will use someone else's words who share the same view on these attacks on dissent, and in video form.



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