Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Blu-ray Vs. HD-DVD: Why Dual-Format Drives Are Necessary for Both

Everyone should know it by now, that having a HD format war is the worst thing either camp is doing right now. Heck, some have speculated that Microsoft, among others, only supports HD-DVD in an attempt to kill both, so then they become the leader in digital distribution.

Online distribution, in my opinion, can't work until computers are commonly connected, hopefully wirelessly, to televisions. I just doubt that computer screens is the prefered way to watch shows or movies. There is also the problem of DRM and/or proprietary formats, since there is no universal one for either just for watching videos online.

The main problem with the current format war is simply no one right now knows which will succeed, and thus won't put any money down until they know. Who wants to put down hundreds of dollars for a player that may or may not work in a few years? That is why no one recommends buying either a Blu-ray or HD-DVD player unless they have a burning hole in their pocket (and a HD set to go with it).
Whats worse is that there is no need for people to go to either camp right now. The only reason is to have a movie in HD. Yet, as I found on just the back covers of HD-DVD movies, only the movies themselves are being upgraded; not even the special features get the upgrade. So we have minimal upgrade in the visual quality of the movie, and no other new content or upgrades. Why go either of these formats?

The simple way for both sides to get a better chance of winning, rather then have both lose, is to have dual format players get onto the market. Rather then fight it out in the marketplace, where it is more likely that one or both will lose horribly, fight it out with the studios. I don't think people really care on if their movies are HD-DVD or Blu-ray if they know either one will work in the long run.
Having a dual-format player will do the one thing both sides need: getting their player into people's homes. As it is, most consumers will not go for a possibly dead format.


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