Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Stealing Cristmas?

You know we are in a different era when a version of the "PC Police" are complaining. When the White House sent out its anual HOLIDAY cards, some religous conservatives were upset (here:
The Christian conservatives are just going a bit overboard. They have put up the defensive "we are the ones being persecuted" complaints before, and I at least isn't buying it. As Jon Stewart pointed out, they aren't exactly a minority.
What they also aren't pointing out is the Pagan or even secular customs that have made it into Christmas traditions. If anything, many of those tradition (at least according to a History Channel special I saw) were actually made IN OPPOSITION to religion. Just look at the Wikipedia entry (here:
) and you will see there's plenty that is in Christmas that isn't Christian or Jesus (or Jebus, if you will) related.
Now, should you say "Happy Holidays" or "Happy Christmans"? Really, you can go by either. While "Holiday" is more universal (since not all religions celebrate Christmas), you should just use the one that the person will get the message. It's the HOLIDAYS, we shouldn't be complaining about semantics anyway.


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