Sunday, December 04, 2005

And the Press Is Still Waiting for an Answer...

John McCain appeared on Meet the Press this morning, and not too long after ABCNews reported on his comments then on the torture admendment (story:
It still puzzles me on why the Bush Administration would still oppose the admendment in any form. After the grilling by the press on the opposing "We don't torture" line and opposition to this admendment, one would think that the Bush Administration would just let this topic die down and quietly sign it. Or better yet, actually change their minds.
On a few shows, there was experts who all said that they and a majority of agents they meet oppose torture under any circimstance, including 11th hour situations. Simply, information would be unreliable since it would often be something along the line of "I'll tell you what you want to hear, so please remove the electrodes from my genitals".
This is a lose-lose situation for the Bush Administration. By opposing this legislation, they already made themselves out to be the bad buy. Now they either have to cave in and look like John Kerry (how's that for reversing one's tactics against itself), or further the terrible opposition to the legislation and lower their popularity, and standing in the party, further.
This could have been a redemption for Abu Gareb. Instead, it has become another embaressment that they probably can't avoid.

You should also see there is now a difference in design. Red text is for political topics, while blue is for videogames.


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