Monday, October 10, 2005

Worlds Worst Person, Videogame edition

Everyone has a similar series of articles/rants. It's either ____ worst or hall of shame. Being a fan of Countdown, I'll just call it Worlds Worst, videogame edition.

Todays worst: Handheld virus makers. As everyone should know by now, there is a virus for the PSP floating around on the internet. That virus isn't self-propegating. Instead, someone posts a ploy hack (the story I heard its a fake down-grader), but it turns out to be a virus which ruins the PSP's firmware, making the system unusable.
Now this has spread to the DS (story: This one deletes the firmware in the DS, creating the same effect as the PSP virus.
This type of thing is just evil. Homebrew for the most part is a great thing, and these evil people are not only taking advantage of this, their goal is to destroy something that isn't theirs. Heck, it's just plain malicious when you destory something that you can't even see in front of you. Its destruction for destruction's sake.
So if you have a DS or PSP, the rules that govern Internet surfing now applies to both systems.
And for making everyone's life worse, handheld virus writers/propegators get the Worst Persons in the World award. Does that make you feel happy?


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