Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jack Thompson's "Modest" Proposal

Jack Thompson, the most (in)famous violent-videogame critic appearently likes the spotlight.
With that, he has made a proposal: he'll give $10,000 to charity if a videogame developer makes a game of his design. The game: a father takes revenge on the videogame industry for his son's death.
First, I like to direct you reader (if you exist) to a few links. First, Ctrl-Alt-Del made a letter to Thompson (here: Also, Penny Arcade (here: had a short post on it. Their direct response is definatly good:

"10 grand is pretty weak man. Through our charity gamers have given over half a million dollars in toys and cash to children’s hospitals all over the country."

Thompson's proposal was made for two reasons. One is that, as he knows, no one would actually make the game. Let's face it, videogame companies are apolitical in their content as it is. I seriously doubt they would even make a game against Thompson, much less for him. As such, he knows it will be another bulletin point on his list of grievences. We know how this ploy works.
Second, it gets him into the news again. He does seem to love the spotlight. Whether because he likes the look of his name everywhere or it's his way of furthering his cause, I can not tell. But with the anti-violent videogame bill passed in California, there was going to be a dead period as the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) goes to court to have the new law thrown out. Apearently, Thompson doesn't want another dead period.

My proposal to Thompson: Stop, just stop. You already have made yourself look like an *** (most notablly, here: Do this any longer, you may get onto Bernard Goldberg's list of 100.


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