Sunday, October 30, 2005

Innocent White House?

A while ago, Brendan Nyhan wrote on how both Democrats and Republicans are reacting to future events as though they already happened (here:
Watching a few short bits of Meet the Press and This Week, a few commentators are doing the same thing after one indictment has been handed out.
Their claim is that the Bush Administration isn't tainted since only one person has been indicted. The problem I have is that Patrick Fitzgerald, the person who has been investigating the now 'gated Plamegate case, said that future indictments are possible. One thing he did say was that "Scooter" Liby's lies prevented him from concluding the case.
In terms of the law, people are innocent until proven guilty. Logicly though, we just don't know. We can't say if there's others in the White House who did unlawful activities relating to this case.
As the criminal case goes forward, the public will get to know what Fitzgerald knows. We will see who was involved and possible who are the suspects of the leak. But as it is right now, it is still up in the air on if anyone else in the Bush Administration is guilty of a crime or not, or even if it was more alike of a conspiracy, as many have theorized.


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