Monday, May 29, 2006

Goldeneye Source Modder Died

On this Memorial Day, we all know the significance of what the troops do and have to go through. Many, always too many, have given their lives to not only protect us physically, but to protect all the rights we know, love and cherish. I, and everyone else, will forever thank them for their sacrifice.

However, I make this post to another loss; that in independant gaming. Joystiq has posted that Nickster, the lead person behind the Goldeneye Source mod, has died in an appearent suicide (story:
Within his final goodbyes, as it was posted above, Nickster said, "So many people go about their daily lives unconcerned with the fact that they are nothing more than an ant upon a huge rock flying through a universe so large it can't even be imagined."
Yet, I doubt Nickster realized how much he affected the universe. For those who doubt the effect that entertainment has on society, it is actually one of the most important things there is. Humans can not endure lives of exclusive work and stress. Entertainment gives us relief, and a common bond to others that otherwise would have never been made.
I may not have known Nickster, or even his name before today, but I knew his work. Goldeneye Source is not mearly a diversion from life, it makes people enjoy life that much more. For that, I thank you, Nickster. And may you rest in peace.

If you or anyone close to you even seriously thinks about committing suicide, I urge you to go seek help. It may not seem like it right now, but there is always something to live for. Sometimes, you just need to get help to find it.


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