Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Placing My Bets on TGS

Here is what I expect to see at TGS.

1) Sony will have playable PS3 games. There will also be a greater PSP presence then at E3

2) Microsoft will still have the greatest next-gen presence there, and I'll include a playable Perfect Dark Zero with that

And now for the most anticipated (mostly due to speculation and rumor), Nintendo's Keynote:

3) The controller won't be seen. It's features may be ambigously discussed, but it won't be shown. I hope this isn't true, but I see the odds against that hope

4) The final form of the Revolution console will be shown, as well as it's final name

5) Nintendo will give out more details on their download service, now including at least Genesis games into the mix, if not one or two more Sega systems

6) The online service will be revealed in full, although focused on the DS's online capabilities

7) Zelda will be shown, including one new feature that wasn't revealed that's was included due to the game's delay

8) The phrase "kicking *** and taking names" won't be used at all

With at least the latter six, we shall find out tomarrow night. The Keynote is taking place 6am Friday in Japan, but 7pm Thursday pacific coast time (I believe, I'm going off of what IGN says).


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